David Hermansen is a 2017 graduate from the University of Aarhus and qualified as a lawyer in 2020.
David's line of work centers around building and construction law, general commerial law, litigation and arbitration.
He is the author of the book "Mangler og produktansvar ved byggematerialer" ("Defects and product liability in relation to construction materials").
His international background includes an early exchange year in Arizona, USA, working for The Association for a More Just Society (Asociación para una Sociedad Más Justa) inTegucigalpa, Honduras, 5 years as a board member of a development and relief organization operating in Afghanistan, Armenia, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Myanmar, Nepal, North Korea and Tajikistan and a 2019 posting to Zagreb to UNIVERSADVOKATER's trusted Southeast Europe contact, Karanovic & Partners.
Fantastisk. Det er sgu godt arbejde!
Tusind tak for hjælpen og fedt endelig at være i mål.
Jeg kan på ingen måde takke dig nok for, hvad du har formået at gøre for mig i denne sag. Jeg havde været prisgivet uden dig som førerhund …
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