Gitte Nedergaard is a graduate from the University of Aarhus 1988 and has worked as a lawyer since then. She was admitted to the High Courts in 1992 and to the Supreme Court Bar in 1997.
Gitte has been working internationally for decades within areas of law such as litigation and arbitration, contracts, business establishment, trademarks and employment. She has unparalleled legal experience within the tourism, holiday homes and leisure sectors.
Her expertise also includes commercial real estate.
Geographically, her focus has been Europe, particularly Scandinavia and Germany, but she has also been advising with respect to numerous jurisdictions outside Europe, including Iraq, Egypt, Korea, Costa Rica, USA and Bahrain.
For four years until 2016, Gitte was the lead attorney in a suit against a Middle East nation before the ICC International Court of Arbitration in Paris concerning a claim of some USD 100 million.
She is admitted to the High Court and Supreme Court bars.
Avocat au Barreau de Paris
Lerins & BVW Avocats
Paris, Frankrig
Serial Entrepreneur
Gitte Nedergaard, Chantal Chemla, Stéphanie Chalanset-Moulié, Carla Baker Chiss, Pauline Larroque, Tiffany Lathe, Ouria Yazid, Joanne Vengadesan, Carmo Sousa Machado, Hope Krebs, Nicolette Spiteri Bailey, Caroline O'Connor, Caroline South, Caroline Perrin, Laura Cerny, María Bardají Cruz, Jennifer Debrow, Noemie Birnbaum.
Avocat, managing partner
Lerins & BCW Avocats
Paris, France
• Tak for kæmpe hjælp i mange år. (Brancheforening)
• Mange tak for dit store engagement og samarbejde gennem tiden – det har vi nydt godt af og sat stor pris på (Virksomhed)
• Du er stadig vores aller eneste stjerneadvokat (Investor)
• Tak fordi du altid er klar til at hjælpe os med store og små opgaver. Det sætter vi stor pris på. Du er vores livline. (Stor dansk virksomhed)
Det er godt, at vores sag er blevet fremlagt på en måde, som vi kan stå inde for, og som vi føler os repræsenteret af.
Tak for din enestående indsats, Gitte.
Jeg er helt og aldeles enig. Sublim og overbevisende procedure, Gitte!!
Vi kan på det kraftigste anbefale UNIVERSADVOKATER og deres dygtige team.
Din faglige viden og din indsigt fra branchen gennem en årrække er sådan en god støtte.