
Jørgen Pedersen

Advokat (H), partner (Attorney)

+45 89 34 35 36


Jørgen Pedersen is a graduate from the University of Copenhagen 1978 and has worked as a lawyer since then. He was admitted to the High Courts in 1982 and to the Supreme Court Bar in 1987.

In 1990, Jørgen was a co-founder of one of the largest and highest recognized global associations of law firms. For 18 years he served on the association's executive council and for 8 years as a member of its management committee. He continues to have an exceptional personal network of outstanding lawyers throughout the world.

Jørgen, among other areas of law, works with international relations, general commercial law and business management, strategy, implementation and development. His clients and network include entrepreneurs and newcomers to the Danish market place, as well as start-ups with an idea and a business plan that could benefit from a constructive broad spectrum input.

He has hands-on experience, i.e. not merely as a lawyer, from industries including car parking, debt collection, telemarketing, facility management, IPR counselling, book publishing, business consulting, commercial seminars, security and software and technology development.

Jørgen Pedersen works in the Scandinavian languages, English and, to some extent, German.


“I have known Jørgen Pedersen for over twenty years and have worked with him ... for mutual clients. He is an exceedingly careful, astute and practical business attorney in whom I have the greatest confidence on both business and personal levels. As the Chairman of the International Services Group of Frost Brown Todd, LLC, a U.S. law firm of more than 500 attorneys, we do not hesitate to refer sensitive matters and important clients to Jørgen ... when a need arises in Denmark ...”
Joseph J. Dehner
Frost Brown Todd
Cincinnati, OH, USA
"As a U.S. lawyer, I have worked with Jørgen Pedersen with great satisfaction. I know him to be extremely creative, talented, knowledgeable and skilled as a lawyer. He also displays excellent business sense, and solves problems with a practical and efficient approach. He has wide-ranging experience, from purely legal issues to business management. He is a pleasure to work with, and I can give him the highest recommendation."
Susan Grogan Faller
Frost Brown Todd
Cincinnati, OH, USA
"My company has been doing business with Jørgen for the last 4 years or so. Jørgen is one of the few professionals who is not afraid of innovation and challenging the status quo. As a lawyer, he has been giving us advice and guidance and introduced us to new partnerships with a very open attitude. Jørgen is a business savvy lawyer, and it has been a pleasure to work with Jørgen and his affiliates."
Matias Lindroos
Neligrate OY (ParkMan)
Helsinki, Finland
“I met Jørgen Pedersen, more than twenty-five years ago, when we both, with some other lawyers from different jurisdictions, founded the international association of independent law firms, called Multilaw which, nowadays, is located in more than 150 commercial centres around the world.

Since then, Jørgen and I, and our respective firms, have developed very close personal and professional relationships.

Jørgen is a very solid, hard-working lawyer ... Our clients are very satisfied with the quality of the services rendered by Jørgen’s firm.”
Luis Giménez Guitard
Giménez Torres Abogados
Madrid, Spanien
“I have worked with Jorgen ... for more than 25 years. During that time, he has handled various matters for clients with intelligence, efficiency and common sense. As a partner in a law firm with offices in the major commercial cities of the United States and in other countries in Asia, Europe and the Gulf region, I know that I can recommend to my partners and clients that they turn to Jorgen for wise and energetic representation in Denmark.”
Thomas R. Schmuhl
Duane Morris
Philadelphia, PA, USA
"I have worked with Jørgen for establishing new ventures. His strong professionalism and global network is unparalleled, and I would recommend him to anyone looking to do business in Europe and beyond."
Arnab Dasgupta
Serial Entrepreneur
"Man mærker tydeligt hans mange års tunge erhvervserfaring – han er opmærksom, lyttende, stiller skarpe og velformulerede spørgsmål og går lige til fadet i åben og ærlig dialog – det kan jeg godt lide.

Også meget overskudsagtigt … at han tilbyder åbning til sit meget relevante erhvervsnetværk."

Pia Bolander Olsen
PBO Juridisk Rekruttering
"It's been a while since we last spoke, and I often think fondly of .... the impactful work we did together. Those memories continue to inspire me in my professional journey."
"Jeg har kendt Jørgen i mere end 10 år – han var engang min chef i vel 5 år - og jeg har lært utrolig meget af ham.

Han møder dig med et smil – han lytter rent faktisk efter det, du siger. Selv om han altid har utroligt travlt, så kigger han dig i øjnene, lytter, forstår, er empatisk og er i det hele taget helt til stede. – Han har så utroligt mange idéer. Det er en af de ting, jeg beundrer allermest ved ham. Det er særligt atypisk for en advokat.

Han er ikke bundet af gængse normer for, hvad der kan lade sig gøre. Alt kan naturligvis lade sig gøre. Det er måske endnu mere fantastisk, at han også får ført sine idéer ud i livet. Mange har en masse gode idéer eller tanker, men får ikke gjort noget ved det.

Jørgen hjælper dig, når det brænder på. Han går altid et ekstra skridt, hvilket jeg har oplevet flere gange. Det er en sjælden egenskab. Han er alt andet end bange for at sige sin mening. Det er fedt, så er der ikke gemt noget under gulvtæppet. Han siger sin ærlige mening. For mig personligt har det givet en masse input - i stedet for ligegyldige kommentarer som “det gjorde du fint”, så kommer der helt konkrete input.

Han tænker internationalt og kender folk over hele verden, idéer og tanker er ikke begrænset til Danmark. Det er inspirerende.

Får Jørgen nogensinde brug for en anbefaling, så er jeg klar."
Brian Nygaard Oswald
Professionel juridisk underviser
Indehaver af Oswald Academy (golfrules.com)
Advokat emeritus
"I need to tell you one thing: 6-7 years ago you told me I should focus more on XXX companies, and that way get into YYY and growth. I now went into USA with that strategy and it is amazing. The XXX industry is so fragmented and privatized that we are getting a lot of traction there! So I am very happy, after 8 years of struggle with YYY."
International virksomhedsejer
Our firm has … over … attorneys in 14 U.S. cities. Our international practice … is substantial and expanding. Our attorneys communicate in 27 languages. But we are a U.S.-only firm. We rely on global colleagues to serve our clients' expanding cross-border needs.

We use a Confidential Inner Circle List of Foreign Law Firms to recommend to our colleagues and clients reliable, efficient counsel to engage outside the U.S.A. …

We included you as the contact attorney for your firm and country.
Stort nordamerikansk advokatfirma
Jørgen Pedersen was a tower of power in the early days of Multilaw.
Jubilæumsskrift for den internationale advokatsammenslutning Multilaw
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Jørgen Pedersen
Advokat (H), partner (Attorney)
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Salgschef, Fyn og Jylland
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