19. januar 2022

THE CNIL fines Google and Facebook 210 million Euros for cookie violations

On 31st December 2021 the French Data Protection Authority (the “CNIL”) imposed a €150,000,000 fine on Google and a €60,000,000 fine on Facebook (now Meta) for violations of French rules on the use of cookies.

The CNIL found that Google and Facebook had infringed Article 82 of the French Data Protection Act, by not providing an easy way for internet users to refuse cookies.

The websites allow users to accept cookies with only one click, but it takes several clicks to refuse cookies. The CNIL found that this affects the website users’ freedom of consent, as it influences users’ choice in favour of consent.

The CNIL has ordered the companies to change the websites, so they comply with French law within three months. Failure to do so will result in fines of €100,000 per day of delay.

The magnitude of the fines reflects the numbers of data subjects concerned, the amounts of data the websites have collected, as well as the profits obtained by the companies from advertising revenues made possible by the collected data.

Modtag en e-mail, når der er nyt på siden:
Jørgen Pedersen
Advokat (H), partner (Attorney)
Gitte Nedergaard
Advokat (H), partner (Attorney)
Claus Olsen
Advokat (H), partner
David Kjær Hermansen
Advokat (Attorney)
Andreas Peter Olesen
Advokat (Attorney)
Alexander Hoyer Olsen
Alexander Møller-Heuer
Jeanette Stage Pedersen
Sara Nielsen
Socialrådgiver, cand.soc.
Puk Jespersen
Juridisk sagsbehandler
Gitte Meyer
Trinh Nguyen
Lisbet Lüthi Schultz
Juridisk sagsbehandler
Maja Fog Matthiasen
Juridisk sagsbehandler
Birgitte Hegaard Højer
Juridisk sagsbehandler
Line Nørgaard Andersen
Juridisk sagsbehandler
Jonathan Larsen
Juridisk sagsbehandler
Pia Bidstrup
Chief accountant
Alvin Lee Kuiper
Mikail Özer
Advokatstuderende (stud.jur.)
Janni Føste Andersen
Advokatstuderende (stud.jur.)
Victor Larsen
Advokatstuderende (stud.jur.)
Rasmus Fredensborg Madsen
Advokatstuderende (stud.jur.)
Joachim Hoyer Olsen
Advokatstuderende (stud.jur.)
Jonas Duedahl Kristiansen
Salgschef, Fyn og den sydlige del af Jylland
Mogens Tougaard
Sales manager
Dudal Webdesign